Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Bad Habits and Lifelong Dreams

So, I have been struggling recently with my mood and I have been relying on some old habits to get me through; habits I would much rather be done with at this point on my life. As a teenager I started smoking and drinking far too young in an attempt to make myself happier and feel more confident but I eventually learnt that over-indulging in those types of behaviour where only making me worse.

Nowadays, I have a certain level of control over my bad habits, however, when I am experiencing a prolonged period of sadness or general frustration with myself I do tend to drink a bit more often and smoke a lot more. I would like to eventually quit smoking but my life and stress levels right now make it difficult for me to stop, plus it remains to be a guilty pleasure I feel reluctant to let go.

Last week was very hectic, lots of things to do and places to go, which was fun at the time, but as I spend so much time indoors, I tend to feel ridiculously drained after being so busy and I have been quite ill since Friday. I have been tired and have had horrible headaches, plus my sleeping is still rubbish, which has made my shaking more noticeable and made me very uncomfortable in all social situations.

I know anxiety is a very common condition throughout the world but I am yet to meet, or speak with, another person who trembles like I do; I am still relying on medication to stop my shaking and allow me to function. It's become quite embarrassing for me and I often wonder what people will think if they see me shaking; if I have to hand someone something or hold something in front of people I become very panicked. I wish I had the nerve to just say "I have an anxiety disorder, and that is why I shake" but I don't. Sigh.

The most disappointing side effect of such a low mood is that I never get anything done! All my life I have only ever had one dream: to be a writer. At the end of last year I quit my job, partially due to the stress it was causing me (I noticed my first grey hairs at 25) and also to focus on finishing my first novel/manuscript. When I am unhappy however, I write less and less, which is so frustrating and I get so angry with myself - which doesn't help. That's when I start to notice an increase in my drinking, usually when I am alone, and smoking, as well as watching a lot of t.v. and wasting days.

Staying motivated when it feels like the whole world is against you, and all you're ever going to be is a failure, is hard. However, I'm fairly confident the bad patch is coming to an end (for now). It might take me until the day I die to finish one book but I will finish it!

I have noticed a recent popularity in adult colouring books i.e. colouring therapy, which I am intrigued by. When I was younger I would love to draw and doodle and found it comforting but I would much rather draw my own pictures and colour them than spend ten times the normal amount of money for a colouring book, just because it's not for children.

Anyway, all in all, Not a Happy Bunny so far this week, but I am working on it x

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